Simple Ways to Invest Money

to invest money

Tax advice can help you make decisions about asset management. Here we show you simple ways to invest money.

If there is money left in the bank account that is not being used for living expenses, the following questions should be asked:

  • prevention and tax savings: is it worth reducing income taxes by purchasing 2nd pillar or 3a? If so, where do I get the greatest investment returns? 
  • Are the 3a accounts structured correctly and are the fees for the products and the bank optimized? Total costs of more than 0.5% are no longer up to date
  • Are there special professional situations such as part-time employment or job changes that require a vested benefits account for the assets of the 2nd pillar (“parking” the blocked pension fund assets)?
  • In what form is the remaining assets invested: house, loans, savings account, investments or your own company? What liabilities, such as mortgages, exist.
  • How does the liquidity of these shares change, what increases and decreases are planned through wages, inheritances or training and travel?


Below we list recommended partner companies for investment services:

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Investment advice. Aspis strives to protect your capital and find the best possible tailor-made solution for your current situation. You, your wishes and needs are the focus.

Vested benefits account, invest yourself, e.g. ETF 

bank account and neo-banks

current account, payment account and credit cards

Neo bank partner, account, card

Banks hardly differentiate themselves in terms of service: All offer online banking, the usual cards and Twint, as well as counter and paper options, usually for an additional charge. The big difference, however, is the fees, which can be up to 186 francs per year. Difference between the most expensive and the cheapest bank For this saving, an average user in the canton of Zurich with an account balance of 5 CHF, mobile banking and online banking is assumed (source: moneyland). The interest is also included, but does not amount to much and investing money in a bank account is never a good idea. 

Have your tax return filled out, save time and money