Tax return Aargau – very easy

tax return Aargau

General information on tax returns in the canton of Aargau

A short guide and tips for the tax return in the canton of Aargau: What's new and what should be taken into account?

Dates for the Aargau tax return

At the end of January, the access codes for the tax return will be sent by post. With this and the current software, taxpayers in the canton of Aargau can submit their tax returns electronically. The codes are personal and are therefore used instead of a handwritten signature.

Software for completing the Aargau tax return

The software provided free of charge by the Canton of Aargau easyTax is designed for PCs, has been available for many years and takes the previous year's data. This means that there is no cloud app and it is therefore not easy to fill out the tax return on tablets. In addition, the software must be installed; depending on the PC and operating system, additional software packages can be found from the external developer company and the canton offers a half-day telephone hotline during the tax season from February. Corrections and updates must of course also be updated. With the access code mentioned, the completed tax return can be submitted and confirmed paperlessly.

Alternatively, easyTax can be used to enter and print the tax return. It can then be signed by hand and sent by post with the attachments.

Finally, attachments can also be submitted to the responsible municipal tax office in addition to the electronic submission.

The same applies to the canton of Aargau: there is alternative and professional software from third-party providers that requires licenses and is usually used by tax consultants with many clients. If you use such software privately, you usually have to use paper form.

If you delegate the tax return to a service provider such as a tax advisor or trustee, the paper form is often chosen or a PDF file can be sent for signature.

The Guide, Deductions and Innovations

All new features are also described in the canton’s detailed and integrated guidelines:

    • From 2023, higher flat-rate deductions will apply for insurance premiums (including health insurance premiums) and savings interest

    • More can now be deducted from the costs of childcare

    • The use of company cars for private purposes now has a higher private share

The obligation to declare during the year also applies in the event of moving to or from the country, divorce, separation or death. When filing tax returns during the year, the tax-determining basis of assessment must always be taken into account, which determines the percentage tax rate and is used together with the tax rate of the canton and municipality for the tax calculation.

All deductions in the Aargau tax return

A overview of all deductions The tax office provides a long-term review and the legal basis.

Deadlines and extensions for the Aargau tax return

The deadline for submitting the tax return is March 31. In the canton of Aargau, reminder fees are charged, CHF 35 – CHF 50 depending on the reminder level, but there may be a request for extension by October 31.10st. This is done using the QR code in the letter. Since the canton does not send reminders until June 30.6th, the application for this deadline is also unnecessary.

tax administration and tax consulting

Checklists and Services

Checklists for the tax return and current information can be found on our download page and in the tax return blog.

Taxpayers receive the optimal tax return, ie the full deductions and a correct and timely filing. Filling out tax returns is simply nerve-wracking and can take up valuable time. With Simpletax it is so easy start with a binding appointment booking, they plan to collect the documents and send them to us. Simpletax is represented at a central location in the canton of Aargau and also offers online consultation appointments.

Intra-year tax returns and special taxes

Tax returns submitted during the year are treated like normal tax returns, but with adjusted rate-determining amounts. Simpletax We regularly fill out tax returns for the current year. The most common cases are moving to or from abroad and deaths.

Inheritance taxes or gift taxes are also included in the annual declaration. We recommend booking a tax planning session (annual meeting) here.

Special taxes such as real estate capital gains tax are treated separately and filled out as a separate tax return.

Tax Advisory

The advantages of a simple but professional tax service are manifold: if the service provider has the necessary experience in the canton, professional and secure processes and software and the company is familiar with the subject of taxes, the tax return can be delegated in peace.

If your life situation changes, for example in terms of income due to a change in job or assets, it is worth getting tax advice. Simpletax This can be easily done with the service annual review This allows the situation to be viewed in the long term. Tax savings through pension provision, home ownership or the establishment of a company are possible measures.

Financial Services

Simpletax offers uncomplicated services and independent products in cooperation with trustees and financial advisors to implement the measures from tax advice. We optimize the interaction of financial and tax planning. Most services are available at fixed prices and under the label SimpleFinance summarized.

Have your tax return filled out, save time and money