tax return Dübendorf

In the tax consultancy in Dübendorf / Stettbach we handle all tax returns, special taxes, tax planning and, if requested, financial advice on the topics mortgage, Board or Insurance.

tips for We have collected tax returns in the canton of Zurich here. The Tax Office Dübendorf offers further information, in particular regarding extension of deadlines and electronic account management (eAccount).

tax return Dübendorf
Tax return Dübendorf 2

Submitting your tax return in Dübendorf

As described in the tips, the tax return is submitted online or in paper form. If the tax return is submitted by Simpletax Once completed, it can be signed and placed in the mailbox at the tax office in the town hall, or sent by post to the cantonal tax office at the address Stadtverwaltung Dübendorf, Steuernabteilung, c/o Scan-Center Zürich, PO Box, 8010 Zürich.

Tax return Dübendorf – very easy

Delegating the Online tax return is available at Simpletax possible. In this case, the signature is made electronically and the customers have the option of saving a PDF file for personal use.

The tax practice in Dübendorf / Stettbach counts the districts and urban districts of Schwamendingen, Saatlen, Hirzenbach, Altstadt, Unterstrass, Oberstrass, Hottingen, Hirslanden, Witikon, Seefeld, as well as the neighboring communities of Wallisellen, Fällanden, Maur, Schwerzenbach, Dietlikon and Wangen-Brüttisellen as the main catchment area. Other Simpletaxlocations Nearby are Oerlikon, Uster and Kloten located.

tax return offers

Simply have your tax return filled out

The advantage of having someone fill it out is the personal conversation and the security that nothing will be forgotten and that deadlines and extensions will be met.

Additional declarations: home, asset inventory, assets abroad

We handle more complex tax returns efficiently at affordable surcharges (complete Pricing).

Intra-year tax return Dübendorf

Tax returns filed during the year are treated like normal tax returns, with rate-determining income being used for the calculation.

inheritance taxes and gift taxes

Inheritance taxes and gift taxes are part of the annual tax return and are declared and taxed when they arise and are distributed. Gifts should definitely be included in the tax planning in our “annual meeting” offer.

property gains taxes in Dübendorf

The property capital gains tax is a special tax that only applies when a property is sold at the location of the property, i.e. when the property is located in Dübendorf. We handle the real estate capital gains taxes at a fixed price in the cantons of Zurich and Aargau, for other cantons please contact us.

tax planning

Our range "annual review“ is available to all customers and is usually booked after the first tax return we complete.

Have your tax return filled out, save time and money